The 70 series explores Frank Hyder’s roots. Singled out early as a painter of gifts, he was invited to study with artists at the center of the New York art world, such as Alex Katz, Fairfield Porter, Elaine de Kooning, Neil Welliver, Alfred Leslie, Janet Fish, William Bailey and Paul Georges, the most vital American artists of the era. They all had direct connections to the Blau Haus refugees who were instrumental in the great awakening of America as the center of the art world. His interactions with these “art stars” in such a rich mix of points of view challenged his talents to find its edges. He did not want to know how to make their paintings but rather how to make his paintings better. There are clear references to these mentors in these works, but there remains the clear and strong personal artist voice of their maker. Through these works, we can see the qualities that have driven each of his stylistic moments, as well as see how he returns to these roots, as if to check on his first principles numerous times.